K-Myo and Force Plateforms

K-Myo•1 MinuteAurélie K Invent Subscription needed :…

How to understand the K-Myo metrics?

K-Myo•2 MinutesAurélie K Invent The metrics…

Why do I get zero in my report ?

Science•11 MinutesAurélie K Invent In this article…

CMJ report, what are the main KPI according to my practice ?

Science•1 MinutesAurélie K Invent Key points……

What is RFD and how is it calculated ?

Science•7 MinutesAurélie K Invent Definition……

What is the force velocity profiling ?

Science•2 MinutesAurélie K InventContext…

How to set up the Fast Track option ?

Practice•1 MinuteAurélie K Invent…

How are norms calculated ?

Science•2 MinutesAurélie K Invent Who am I compared…

What is impulse and how is it calculated ?

Science•1 MinutesAurélie K InventImpulse definition…